CranioSacral Therapy (CST)
CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on assessment and treatment of the central nervous system, made up of the membranes, brain, skull, spine and cerebrospinal fluid around the brain and spinal cord. There are various styles of CST around the globe. At Body Stillness, Upledger CST is the predominant style, which was developed by osteopath, doctor and acupuncturist, Dr John Upledger.
Imbalance, restrictions, injury, trauma and compression can affect this crucial and sensitive central part of our body, which then in turn can affect our muscles, bone structures, nerves, organs, and even psychological function.
CST treats the body by feeling for and improving a rhythm called the CranioSacral Rhythm (CSR). The CSR is the subtle movement the body makes as cerebrospinal fluid, produced in the brain, is pumped around the brain and down the spinal cord. Restrictions in the nervous system will present as an altered rhythm and limited range of motion or function in the fascia, muscles, membranes, skeleton and even organs.
Intra-oral techniques for Facial/cranial trauma
Not only can your spine, neck, head and pelvis be treated, sometimes facial and intra-oral (also known as 'mouth work') techniques are used. Your CranioSacral level 2 practitioners are trained to palpate, diagnose and treat facial, hard palate and internal jaw soft-tissue restrictions and compression. If you have experienced a facial or head impact such as dental surgery, concussion, whiplash, horse riding accident or similar; intra-oral work can provide relief from pressure you may have grown so used to, until it is released, you might not have realised how much pressure you were experiencing. Mouth work can also assist infants with tongue tie, latching-on or birth trauma.
CranioSacral Therapy may be beneficial for:
— head injuries
— dental trauma
— migraines
— back/neck problems
— spine and nerve damage
— pre/post surgical procedures
— mum and bub post-birth recovery
— anxiety & depression
— body memory (SomatoEmotional Release)
Lilly Harris, CST1 & 2; SER 1 & 2; CACS, CASR.