SER can be unique for each person, each time. Sometimes it is deeply peaceful and quiet, sometimes we might chat about what you feel and what sensations are present in your body. You are leader, I follow you.
SomatoEmotional Release is a therapeutic process that assists in a deeper healing experience of the mind and body in response to trauma history that has not resolved or been fully freed from the body tissue. SER can spontaneously and naturally occur within a CranioSacral treatment.
The body often retains (rather than dissipates) physical forces, and often the accompanying emotional energy, triggered by physiological, psychological, emotional or spiritual trauma. As the body heals, it can isolate or wall off this energy into what is called an “energy cyst”. Although a body can initially adapt to the presence of this “energy cyst”, eventually the body weakens or tires of this accommodation and can develop symptoms of pain, dysfunction or emotional stress in response.
The goal of an SER session is a comfortable, safe experience that can assist dissipating the residual effects of trauma history and to gain insight as to how that held trauma is influencing current physical and emotional health. The SomatoEmotional Release process requires sensitivity and expertise on the part of the therapist and a positive attitude and trust from the client.
SER can look and feel different for each individual, and is as unique an experience as the person the SER is occurring for. Dr John developed and refined specific techniques and approaches that allow a person and their body to find ways of processing held body trauma in a safe and gentle way. Signs that an SER is occurring is that the CranioSacral Rhythm will come to an abrupt halt. The quality in the tissues is very different to a Still Point (therapeutic cessation of the CranioSacral Rhythm), and the receiver may notice sensations, altered tension patterns, sometimes even memories that might be relevant to the trauma area. A skilled SER practitioner will safely support and guide a person through the process. This can be done with techniques and gentle touch to the relevant areas that the body indicate through facial and nervous system tension patterns; open questions might be asked as to what the receiver is noticing or experiencing. Signs that an SER is complete can be the CranioSacral Rhythm turns back on; tissue softening/release; a deep sigh; the receiver feels more quiet or is more still; increased skeletal alignment; less pain; improved muscular/fascial/visceral movement.
During your session, you might feel very sleepy, have a quiet chat about what you feel and notice in your body or you might even have an experience of heightened feeling or physical sensation. All of this is normal and safely guided and supported by your practitioner.
Lilly Harris, Upledger CST 1 & 2, SER 1 & 2, Clinical Applications of CST; Clin. App. SER (no rebate) (currently studying Person-Centred Counselling with AIPC); Lifeline Crisis Support worker in training.