Feldenkrais one-on-one

We warmly welcome Nicole Harstead to the Body Stillness group!

Nicole is a qualified Feldenkrais practitioner offering class and one-on-one Feldemoves sessions. Nicole believes that acceptance and being kind to yourself combined with the ability to observe what is happening in your mind and body is crucial for positive change.

Experiencing life happens through our body as much as our mind. If we are in a relaxed state during a guided meditation, we don’t just think “I am relaxed”, it can be felt throughout our whole body. 

When Nicole was younger she experienced some trauma, and it wasn’t until studying Dance and Movement that Nicole realised she had come back into her body. Getting to know her body again was a very nurturing feeling, like coming home.

There is no limit to how much awareness we can bring to our Mindbody experience. The richness of our embodied life is connected to the richness of our life.

Being present in our bodies, feeling grounded and balanced are all facets of the lived experience. There is so much to explore within ourselves, and as we do our connection to the world changes also.

Nicole believes its time to claim your space, really be here in your body and be authentically you. There are always better options for being here. Are you going to settle, or welcome these positive changes into your life?

Nicole Harstead is a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner with Graduate Diploma in Movement and Dance. She has also completed a Bachelor of Teaching and Bachelor of Arts.

Feldenkrais is a universal method for learning new ways of moving, sensing, feeling, posture and breathing; and the exciting part is, these new connections made in the body are also made in the brain. This masterfully designed method harnesses the neuroplasticity of the brain to bring about positive improvements for individuals to improve their quality of life.

The method was created by Moshe Feldenkrais in the 1950’s and has two parts:
Functional integration ® hands-on sessions with a Feldenkrais Practitioner usually done lying on a table and, Awareness through Movement ® group mat classes where your teacher verbally guides you to explore various movements, ranging from basic to larger whole body movements .

Feldenkrais is for everyone

The Feldenkrais Method can help:

  • refine alignment and improve skeletal and muscle use

  • move beyond inefficient, repetitive patterns of moving and decrease pain

  • sense subtle movement distinctions and improve performance

  • enhance creativity and curiosity in your life

  • recovery of whole body function after periods of injury

Book in any Tuesday or Wednesday with Nicole to see how it works for yourself!