
We are excited to announce Celia Taylor - Life Coach; Angela Vincent - Clincal Hypnotherapist and Gerry Young - Remedial and Sports Massage Therapist will all be joining the Body Stillness team in just a few weeks. Our website is currently under concstruction to add all this fantastic new info, so please bear with us!

In the coming weeks, we will be announcing and introducing each new (and highly experienced) therapist.


Just so you can plan and put it in your diary, Celia will be available for coaching on Tuesday and Wednesdays; Angela will be offering Hypnotherapy on Wednesdays and Gerry will be ready to go with Remedial & Sports Massage, as well as Ortho-Bionomy on Wednesday and Thursdays.

We can’t wait to share them with you!


Once you’ve had a session, please write us a review on goggle business, facebook and our individual facebook business pages. This way you can share the love, and others get to hear what you liked about them!

We hope to see you online booking soon xxx

Stay cool in Summer


During the months of December through February (in the southern hemisphere), we respond to our environment with keen adaptability and reflexiveness. During Summer (Fire Element), we love, expand, stretch, move, express, connect. The natural expansion of this phase brings warmth and increased social/physical activities. Fire element is all about heart energy: connection, family, belonging, community. It is easy to say yes and over commit when we are influenced by this expansive Fire energy. Small Intestine (S.I.), Triple Heater (T.H.) and Heart Protector (H.P.) meridians all get involved in the Fire Element picture.

S.I. deals with the aspects of separating and sorting our ingested energy from the waste products- this metaphorically can translate into how we use discernment in our day to day life. S.I. is the supportive, less vital ‘hollow’ organ to the vital ‘precious’ Heart. When there is S.I. dysfunction, it can overload the Heart, so it is important to free up this energy.
S.I. meridian is located predominately along the arms and throughout the scapula (shoulder blades), as well as abdomen and legs. These areas will feel tight, sore or weak if out of balance.

T.H. deals with the fluids at the three levels in the body:

Upper- Heart, Heart Protector and Lungs;

Middle- Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder and Spleen;

Lower- Kidney, Bladder, Small Intestine, large Intestine.

T.H. is responsible for fluid, temperature, chemical and hormone regulation and distribution. Heart Protector does what it suggests. It takes the blows directed at the Heart. This can be being a carer, teaching, giver, parent or leader. When Heart Protector works hard, the pathways in the arms, legs and upper back tighten, Heart is exposed and we can start to experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, insomnia, restlessness, bitter feelings, overheating, palpitations, scattered and sluggish energy, dizziness, anxiety and even mania.

If you feel your energy is showing signs that your Fire Elemental organs are out of balance, it may be time to find some, cooling and balancing techniques to get you back to an even keel.

Lilly’s self care techniques include:

-practice saying no
-ingesting more red/ bitter foods (cherries, capsicum, rhubarb, strawberries, tomato, goji berry, apple, brown sugar, sweet potato, carrots, red coloured foods)
-slow, low resistance exercise (dancing, Qi Gong, bowls, walking)
-put yourself on a technology diet for a few hours/days/weeks
-connect with safe, trustworthy people
-watch comedies
-share a playful, fun activity with one person (not a group)
-Float Therapy
-Shiatsu Therapy
-Counselling/Life Coaching

At Body Stillness, we have a huge choice of therapies that will support you in finding your balance. Send Lilly or any of the team an email today to find out more about what you might need for YOU.

Happy Summering.

Take care. Lilly.

Accessibility by Lilly Harris

One of the greatest challenges I have found as a body therapist and therapy centre manager is how to get the service to the client. I have daily enquires for different services, and often people are looking for something on the spot, ideally on that day. I make myself available as frequently as possible for my clients so that they have a broad range of appointment times to choose from. In the last 2 years, I have been operating a 3 room therapy centre with a diverse team of therapists, who are often operating from 2-3 other locations. This is a clever way to capture interest and offer variety to the public, however the down side from a centre manager point of view is that often, a particular therapist will only be available for a set number of hours, once a week. More often than not, this is too narrow a window for a client, the result being that the client who has a preference for a particular therapist can’t make it on the day the therapist is available and then they both miss out.

A way of working smarter around this issue is to be more regularly available across the week, so that clients have a wider range of appointments to choose from.

In my early years of practice, my bookings were often spread out at random times throughout the week, but I was prepared to dedicate my whole week to working around client need. Having been in business for 16 years now, I find most clients are happy to work in with my times, as I often offer up to 5 days a week at varying times which covers most times people want to come. Crucially, I always offer a few morning spots, late spots and some weekend appointments. This seems to span across most people’s time preferences, including workers, students, nap-time (infants), carers and shift workers.

I am a huge fan of the client-practitioner relationship being a two-way street. As a client, you can ask your preferred therapist if they would be available to see you regularly at your ideal time. For example, I have a client who books monthly a year in advance; I make them a priority and build the rest of my working week around them. They demonstrate loyalty and commitment for receiving my service, and so I in turn, I support their request.

Your therapist may get in contact with you to find the best times for you to come as this ensures they can fit you into their schedule. I also encourage you to have a conversation with your practitioner today about negotiating what works best for you.

Our online booking system makes booking a lot easier for clients, but often, a simple text or email can get your need met even more easily. Especially if this is an established form of contact for urgent bookings.

At Body Stillness, I support practitioners to have access to our rooms when they are not in use for ‘one-off’ appointments. This model supports getting the client’s need met as easily as possible. The way I view the body therapy industry is that if we are committed to being of service to others, then the most important starting point is making sure that the clients that want to see us, are able to do so, easily and quickly.

If you are a therapist, I recommend being available more frequently through the week, rather than only one day. If you are a client, send an email or text to your preferred practitioners and ask them about extended availability.

Service. Need. Met.

Good bye and good luck!

Christina Mathewson has been with the Body Stillness team for over a year, providing clients and peer practitioners alike with high quality information surrounding health and life. Coming from a Naturopathic and Life Coaching background, as well as homeschooling her 7 beautiful children, Christina is now moving on to focus on her online business and clients support as well as supporting her family as they go travelling.

We wish you all the best and hope your adventures are colourful and fun.

Take care. Love from the Body Stillness team. Xxx

Private Health Funds update

We have some good news for those of you who miss out on private health rebates for Shiatsu, Naturopathy, Western Herbalism, Yoga and Pilates!

From the Shiatsu Therapy Association of Australia (S.T.A.A):

“New government review

  1. The Minister for Health has announced details of an updated review of natural therapies, to be led by the Australian Government Chief Medical Officer, Professor Brendan Murphy, supported by the Natural Therapies Review Expert Advisory Panel.
    This Panel will review any additional evidence of clinical effectiveness of shiatsu published since the 2014-15 review or high quality evidence not included in the 2014-15 review. This includes research in other languages.
    Shiatsu will be reviewed within the first ‘tranche’, commencing mid-August. Other therapies to be reviewed at this time are naturopathy, western herbalism, yoga, tai chi and pilates.
    We hope a favourable outcome will lead to the reinstatement of shiatsu rebates; and more importantly, restore and reinforce the good name of shiatsu in the community.”

What you can do:

1. Contact your private health fund and request they reinstall shiatsu, naturopathy, western herbalism, yoga and pilates benefits. See Call to Action.

2. Sign S.T.A.A.’s petition and encourage your friends, peers and family (who agree) to sign. S.T.A.A. will submit this as supplementary to the research and evidence of the national Shiatsu community support.

The collective voice from natural therapies practitioners, clients and the public has made a difference with this issue. All practitioners are encouraged to continue to inform clients and lobby for the restoration of shiatsu to private health funds.”

Make your voice heard!!

Oncology Massage



Oncology Massage safely addresses the needs of a cancer patient with a specialised therapist who understands the science and pays close attention to the physical, emotional and psychological needs of the client during diagnosis, treatment, recovery, survivorship or palliative care.
It is a gentle, safe and effective massage technique that is comforting and nurturing for anyone with cancer, a history of cancer or in a fragile state of health. It is always adapted to suit the needs of, and work safely with, each client. This is a gentle, mindful treatment that helps alleviate many of the side effects of cancer treatments, including pain, fatigue, nausea and anxiety.
Oncology Massage therapists have a Diploma of Remedial Massage as well as specialised training.  Tiziana Hill is a qualified Oncology Massage Therapist and is a member of Massage and Myotherapy Australia and the Reflexology Association of Australia. She has personal experience as a cancer patient and has experienced some of the side effects of treatments.

Allow up to 90 minutes for a first appointment which includes discussing your condition and needs.  Follow up appointments range in time up to 60 minutes, depending on each client’s needs and energy levels.

Tiziana is available Fridays and Saturdays.

Click here to BOOK NOW.

November 2018

We continue to grow!
Meet our newest Body Stillness practitioners!


Christina Mathewson

Family Health Naturally
Naturopath & Herbalist
GAPS Practitioner
Life Coach

Christina is qualified as a Naturopath and Herbalist. Prior to that, she has worked as a health coach, teaching families a number of the ‘hands-on’ skills needed for learning the art of fermentation and traditional food preparation. She is also qualified as a certified GAPS Practitioner and Life Coach.

*Christina is now available online for consultations through her website:


Matt Blackburn

Osteopathy is a holistic manual therapy for the diagnosis and treatment of pain, dysfunction and lack of mobility. Matt will look for other areas impacted by the injury and aim to improve overall function to optimise recovery. Through gentle work on muscles, ligaments, soft tissues, nerves and organs he'll aim to address the problem rather than just treat the symptoms.  

Matt has been practicing Osteopathy for 8 years and is available every Tuesday and Thursday.


Monique Elliott

Monique works with you to recover from injury, increase self awareness, reduce pain, improve general health and to help you get your mind off daily stresses. With a personal understanding of the way massage can positively influence our mental health, Monique draws on several modalities and listens closely to her clients and their bodies to customise a treatment that best serves their needs and concerns.

Remedial and Relaxation Massage
Pregnancy Massage 
Disability Massage

Monique is available every Tuesday.


New services available

Modern Cupping Therapy with Robyn Angus

Using silicon, non flame cups in combination with remedial massage and stretching, modern cupping is one of the more effective methods to mend the fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds our muscles and organs. Cupping is an effective dispersing therapy as the cups draw out creating a vacuum, making cupping the only therapy that turns around the inward dynamic and separates and opens out the constricted fibres to release tightness.

Robyn is available on Wednesday and some Sundays.

July 2019


Finding ways to stay happy and well can be illusive and overwhelming. This is why asking for help and a little bit of guidance can bring you back to balance.

At Body Stillness, we all strive to live by our vocational values;

-Stay well
-Be opening to learning new things
-Make time for rest
-Plan for extra effort and challenge

We spend our downtime learning how to serve and provide better experiences for you by looking after ourselves in the best way we know how.

If you’re not sure of who makes up the Body Stillness team, and how many different services we offer, please take a few minutes having a look through our website to find out what resonates with you, which services or practitioner may be the best fit for you this week. We promise the website is always up to date, with current prices and availability.


Marija Stevens

Intuitive Massage
Sefl-awareness Exercises
Relaxation Massage

Some great news is that we are welcoming Marija Stevens to the team. Marija will be offering Intuitive Massage with Self-awareness Exercises and Relaxation Massage most Mondays from August.

Click here to BOOK NOW.

Sadly, Maryanne Brown will no longer be offering NMB Bowen, Massage and Skin Therapy at Body Stillness. Exciting developments for her are that she’s joined a skin therapy team in the centre of Hobart and is fulfilling her dream of offering Skin Therapy full time. Let us know if you would like to get in touch with her.

May 2019

In this newsletter:

  • 2 new practitioners join the team

  • Zen Reflexology & Ortho-Bionomy


Julie Luckman


Julie has a background in Yoga and Steiner Education and she has been practicing Ortho-Bionomy since 2007.
Ortho-Bionomy is a gentle, fully-clothed system of healing that reminds the body of its natural ability to restore balance.
Gentle techniques are used to activate self-corrective nerve reflexes. The result is seemingly effortless pain and tension relief, natural re-alignment and relaxation, and a deep sense of physical and emotional well-being as the body remembers its natural ability to seek balance by moving from pain to comfort.

Julie is offering an introductory offer of 40 minutes for $60, focusing on either:
-neck and shoulders
-lumbar pain
-feet, for leg and hip alignment

Julie is available every Friday.


Jane Pollard

Shiatsu Therapy

Jane has been practicing Shiatsu Therapy since 1994. She taught widely in the UK, Eire and Greece for the European Shiatsu School. Jane has been strongly influenced by both Michael Rose and Chris Jarmey (leading practitioners of this generation of Shiatsu). She moved back to Australia in 2001, practising in Toowoomba, Queensland. She has recently moved to Hobart and Body Stillness is utterly blessed to have her join us.

Jane will be available Saturdays and by appointments throughout the week.


Zen Reflexology

Experience pure relaxation with Zen Reflexology, a fusion of three modalities – acupressure, reflexology and aromatherapy. 
During this treatment Tiziana will work on both your hands and feet, clearing your meridians and balancing the body through a full reflexology treatment. Not only is the whole body accessed through the reflexology points on hands and feet, most meridians either start or end in the hands and feet.  
Aromatherapy is incorporated in the specially created cream used only for this treatment, and in a foot spa infused with aromatic salts. This is a calming, grounding, clearing and utterly relaxing treatment.

Normally priced at $110, Tiziana is offering an introductory price of $90 in June and July.

Zen Reflexology is available every Friday and Saturday with Tiziana.

Baby Bowen with Maryanne Brown (Maryanne is no longer available).

Baby Bowen is a specialised form of Bowen Therapy for babies and young children. It is very gentle and effective and even a new born baby can benefit from this treatment. It can assist with colic, reflux, sleep difficulties, asthma, sluggish bowels as well as physical issues and misalignments resulting from a difficult or prolonged birth. 
Maryanne is experienced in treating babies and young children. She facilitated training in baby massage at the neonatal ward of the Emerald Hospital, Queensland. She has also taught infant massage courses and workshops for Queensland Community Health Clinics. 
Normally $50, during May and June, Maryanne is offering an introductory price of $35.00.

July 2018

Our growing team at Body Stillness wishes you warmth and happiness this winter. We continue to expand with some really lovely practitioners and therapies to share with you!


Christine Toyama

Bowen- NST
Emmett Therapy
CranioFascial Therapy

Christine has over 20 years experience as a natural therapist. She previously trained as a radiation therapist, and has worked at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute treating cancer extensively. She has lived a very active life, and early on realised the importance of nutrition and the value of sunshine, fresh air and exercise as important ingredients to good health. Christine's interests soon lead her to organic and biodynamic food, resulting in the setting up of an organic vegetarian catering business as well as a business in essential oils, essences, facial and hand cream. Naturopathy and Bowen were the next progression.


Bowen Therapy is an important complimentary body therapy that facilitates healing of the whole body. Through its effect on soft tissue and fascia, it brings about lasting and profound results. The experience of Bowen is typically gentle, subtle and relaxing, and it is these features that make Bowen Therapy so unique.
Underlying origins of many health problems could be found in the fascia (connective tissue that envelopes all internal structures) of the body and that fascial dysfunction is often the cause of many health problems.
Fascia envelopes nerves, organs, muscles, bones, arteries and veins. Through specific soft tissue and fascial release techniques, Bowen enables the body to self correct fascial dysfunction and restore homeostasis on a holistic level. This release is achieved by short gentle rolling moves over muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves. These can be done through a layer of clothing or on the skin. The ultimate result is a fast and lasting relief from pain, discomfort and stress, and a return to balance and harmony may be experienced. 


Emmettt therapy is a nerve/energy treatment developed by Ross Emmett (Bowen Teacher). It uses switches and holding points to effect immediate gentle physical releases in the surrounding muscle tissue. This restores musculoskeletal function thus easing pain and discomfort. It is a technique that can be a stand alone treatment or it can be integrated into a Bowen treatment, which in turn will enhance the overall effect.

Christine is available most days.

March 2018

We'd like to introduce the growing Body Stillness team!
Tiziana Hill and Robyn Angus.



Remedial and Relaxation Massage
Oncology Massage
Face and Feet (4-Hands Therapy)
   CranioReflex (4-Hands Therapy)

Tiziana Hill is a qualified Reflexologist, Remedial and Oncology Massage Therapist. Her massages are described as deeply caring, nurturing and utterly relaxing. Her recent specialisation in oncology massage has led her to develop a particularly gentle and beneficial massage and reflexology style for clients with cancer, as well as other degenerative illnesses. Oncology massage is a gentle, safe and effective massage technique which is comforting and nurturing for anyone with cancer, a history of cancer or feeling fragile.



Remedial Massage
Modern Cupping Therapy
   Deep Tissue and Sports Massage

   Dry Needling (DN)
   Hot Stone Massage

At a young age Robyn knew that massage therapy was the path for her. She knew she wanted to help people; to be able to calm and relax them. From life experience, Robyn understands how anxiety and stress can affect us mentally and physically. Robyn is skilled in Modern Cupping Therapy, Hot Stone Massage, Pregnancy Massage and Manual Lymphatic Drainage. She discovered a fascination and love for trigger point therapy and completed training in myofascial Dry Needling. She gained her Diploma of Remedial Massage in 2005 at the Australian College of Massage and Natural Therapies (Victoria). Robyn is a registered member with Massage & Myotherapy Australia (Provider number: 028084). Robyn holds a Diploma in Remedial Massage, Certificate in Dry Needling as well as Modern Cupping Therapy.

Robyn is available every Wednesday.