Feldenkrais with Nicole Harstead.
Feldenkrais is a universal method for learning new ways of moving, sensing, feeling, posture and breathing; and the exciting part is, these new connections made in the body are also made in the brain. This masterfully designed method harnesses the neuroplasticity of the brain to bring about positive improvements for individuals to improve their quality of life.
The method was created by Moshe Feldenkrais in the 1950’s and has two parts:
Functional integration ® hands-on sessions with a Feldenkrais Practitioner usually done lying on a table and, Awareness through Movement ® group mat classes where your teacher verbally guides you to explore various movements, ranging from basic to larger whole body movements .
Feldenkrais is for everyone
The Feldenkrais Method can help:
refine alignment and improve skeletal and muscle use
move beyond inefficient, repetitive patterns of moving and decrease pain
sense subtle movement distinctions and improve performance
enhance creativity and curiosity in your life
recovery of whole body function after periods of injury
Our bodys’ natural gracefulness and elegance is best fostered by a gentle approach that allows your nervous system to open up to the uniquely-designed suggestions that Feldenkrais presents.
You don’t ever have to force or strain your body.
Movement break-throughs happen when you release unnecessary muscle tension and old habits which prevent your body from moving as it was designed to move.
Feldemoves helps you to reach for your goals
Perhaps you have always wanted to try salsa or swing dancing. You might be turned off trying new physical activities because of pain, or lack of physical confidence. You might even want your flexibility back and be able to get up and down off the floor more easily.
Joining an `Awareness through movement class’ (ATM) or having a Functional integration lesson will help you see there are alternatives to the way that you usually hold yourself in standing and moving. By using less muscular effort and finding your skeletal alignment and connections you will experience more freedom and flexibility and decrease the pain associated with your usual movement habits.
Moshe Feldenkrais said the purpose of his method was to:
“…make the impossible possible, the possible easy, the easy elegant"
The Feldenkrais Method is a way to improve your physical performance. By increasing your body awareness and movement range, you can feel younger and more functionally able to try new physical activity, release your inner dancer or reach for your dreams and goals.